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Vandal Poem of the Day Posts

“He says my love grows…”

Geneseo, NY

He says my love grows from a big space to an even bigger


This is what happens when you’re sure: it’s fear full of loss.

I’m standing at the ledge & he is a balloon I’m afraid to

drop—totally ignorant that he would just float, a perfect

pressure—just in front of my face—so close I could smell

the latex.

One day you’ll see that these letters are full of love for you

too & there will be so much you’ll want to suck out of them,

like pomegranate, juice & seeds six in your palm.


from Hot with the Bad ThingsFind more by Lucia LoTempio at the library

Copyright © 2020 Lucia LoTempio
Used with the permission of The Permissions Company, LLC on behalf of Alice James Books.

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