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Category: Cedar Sigo


The crumpled steel

guarded movement

its offering, dead

bells on felt


walk your

body around its

outline, in some

distress and rust

you got it right


see through-

enter off

the sides

no edge left

unturned, blurred

in point of fact

a soft glow beckons

before we are barred

from the lights

the way we like


any number of ways

to squeeze a brushed

defenseless box

meaning mind pouring

holes down through

the top reinforcing

its phantom

dust coated tongues

of grey green plants

open prairie


I would like it better

strolling each side alone

iron grips

the long and dark

long and bright


from Poetry Northwest 13.1 Summer & Fall 2018More by Cedar Sigo from the library

Copyright © Cedar Sigo
Used with the permission of the author
on behalf of Poetry Northwest.

November 19, 2016

for Joanna Kyger


Poetry is the part

that no one sees

clip the flower

burn the brush

watch rain stream


the moon viewing


six drops fold together

then glimmer

burn a stick of Autumn Leaves

crack the screen door

write longer

have beams shooting

out and over

the blessed

bountiful body

Do not revisit

poems the next day

they have already rejoined the actual


daily music fallen

back into the fabric

to acknowledge mastery

would violate her


even further terms (the heat

and shape of the mountain)



the outside in…


the gray continuous

tangle of moss

posing as a mandala


burning the

sudden white



in between


from Poetry Northwest WEBMore by Cedar Sigo from the library

Copyright © Cedar Sigo
Used with the permission of the author
on behalf of Poetry Northwest.

This program is supported in part by a grant from the Idaho Humanities Council, a State-based program of the National Endowment for the Humanities.

Any views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this (publication, website, exhibit, etc.) do not necessarily represent those of the Idaho Humanities Council or the National Endowment for the Humanities.