by Ronald Johnson
that this is paradise,
odd words in legion
beating around the veritable bush
years shape and illuminate:
when the great cats purr
so closely woven,
when sparrows hedge fled field
one sounding cloud,
when down the wild wind ride
Galapagos, archipelago!
eagle dodge eagle
and tigers scatter cage
according to their lights,
burn each thy word
to crowd at last on life in full
—the elder the earth—
Sky Line Blvd.
uphill all the way
never were there such roses
under the banner of summer,
never such
beautiful hullabaloo
hello down well, clap upper cloud
passed muster
to stay the spell,
never this horse of another color
on such goldened a road
find voice,
invent interior face
(I mount to save my very hide)
raised all likeness
kindled, not knuckled under
as one seize it
—howe’er humbly cobbled an order,
a universe sprung free—
probeable as possible
be, but bear
at most the least belief
proud sprout pry ancient any brain
again gain again
intimate unto the inanimate
tossed world
from ARKFind more by Robert Johnson at the library
Copyright © Robert Johnson
Used with the permission of Flood Editions.