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Category: Pam Rehm

I Followed, I Found, I Went Down

into the depths of another

Having little warmth

I waited with him

seized by the ceaseless

suspension of time

And my fury

It upheld me

Dry leaves wither

Autumn is fading

Scanning the sky

he stands among trees

I listen to silence

an uneasy peacefulness

I uncover his trail

what is really there

Searching and waiting

I keep close to him—

He tries to see

at the edges of things

A stranger, possessed

My heart is transfigured

He is the hawk

He is the ten-mile walk

and I follow his fear

He is alone

He is the insatiable eye

the sky flows out of

to keep the birds near

from The Larger NatureFind more by Pam Rehm at the library

Copyright © Pam Rehm
Used with the permission of Flood Editions.


I’ve seen each day


Awoke to the sound

of cars parking

I’ve looked down littered alleys

The rivers on either side

of me

I’ve had enough

of this tenuous


Take a look or ignore it

Always unsure

From which direction

the sun rose

from Small WorksFind more by Pam Rehm at the library

Copyright © Pam Rehm
Used with the permission of Flood Editions.

This program is supported in part by a grant from the Idaho Humanities Council, a State-based program of the National Endowment for the Humanities.

Any views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this (publication, website, exhibit, etc.) do not necessarily represent those of the Idaho Humanities Council or the National Endowment for the Humanities.