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We’re coming back!

We’re proud to announce that this year we will be featuring poems from Four Way Books(!), starting this coming Tuesday.

A GIGANTIC THANKS to the Editors from Fugue Journal, particularly Cady Favazzo, who have done a ton of work to get VPOD back up and running.

We are very excited for the excellent poetry coming this year.

Thank you Four Way Books!
Thank you Fugue!

See you Tuesday …

The End for now

And so we come to the end of this year’s edition of Vandal Poem of the Day. Thank you very much to our TWO! presses this year:

Canarium Books


Flood Editions

We at VPOD were particularly happy with the poems that ended our run this week. Just three excellent poems.

Please Read More Poems, here and elsewhere.

There are now over 800 contemporary poems to explore on Vandal Poem of the Day, and 243 poets exactly (I just counted). Riches for sure.

Take care this summer.

We are back!

Vandal Poem of the Day (VPOD) begins its second year tomorrow! We are really excited to be partnering this year with the nonprofit press BOA Editions LTD.
BOA has provided us with 180 amazing poems written by 55 different poets from books they’ve recently published. We will be publishing one poem each weekday that the University is in session.
We’ve also recently purchased over 50 BOA books for the library with help from the Idaho Humanities Council. The books are available for checkout and you can find them on a special shelf in the middle of our recently remodeled first floor. Alongside these, you can also find all the Copper Canyon books from which we drew our poems last year
Please feel free to share the poems and the site. And if you’re in Moscow, do come in and print a poem out on one of our poemBot Printers!

This program is supported in part by a grant from the Idaho Humanities Council, a State-based program of the National Endowment for the Humanities.

Any views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this (publication, website, exhibit, etc.) do not necessarily represent those of the Idaho Humanities Council or the National Endowment for the Humanities.