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Category: Lucia LoTempio

“He says my love grows…”

Geneseo, NY

He says my love grows from a big space to an even bigger


This is what happens when you’re sure: it’s fear full of loss.

I’m standing at the ledge & he is a balloon I’m afraid to

drop—totally ignorant that he would just float, a perfect

pressure—just in front of my face—so close I could smell

the latex.

One day you’ll see that these letters are full of love for you

too & there will be so much you’ll want to suck out of them,

like pomegranate, juice & seeds six in your palm.


from Hot with the Bad ThingsFind more by Lucia LoTempio at the library

Copyright © 2020 Lucia LoTempio
Used with the permission of The Permissions Company, LLC on behalf of Alice James Books.

“And I went up the hill to class…”

And I went up the hill to class And I had a body

And I had my body And I had a whole

hike And I was out of breath And I panted

as if a man touched me And I was on my knees

going up the stairs And white bunnies

of dust stuck to me And what stuck to me

was the smell of another hole And I took

an apple And I rested it in me And I rested

And it was a round red in the light And bright

And from underneath the man I loved

held me down And pulled himself a slice

And the swift glare and ping of a pocketknife

from Hot with the Bad ThingsFind more by Lucia LoTempio at the library

Copyright © 2020 Lucia LoTempio
Used with the permission of The Permissions Company, LLC on behalf of Alice James Books.

“When a girl is killed…”

When a girl is killed When we say

her murderer as if it’s a sweet

slow burn of possession When the girl

was killed in Geneseo When her ex

killed her When the man killed her

When he stabbed her When he killed

her lover When he killed a man When he

killed himself When

at the memorial When they don’t

mention her When iced

with blame When a girl learns When to keep

herself safe When it’s a matter of yelling Fire

not Help me not Rape not Run

from Hot with the Bad ThingsFind more by Lucia LoTempio at the library

Copyright © 2020 Lucia LoTempio
Used with the permission of The Permissions Company, LLC on behalf of Alice James Books.

“So I listened to a lot of the Mountain Goats”

So I listened to a lot of the Mountain Goats, so I still listen to “Rhapsody

in Blue,” so I had a poster of John Lennon. So I moved dorms because my

roommate loved to masturbate, so I loved to masturbate. So I didn’t recognize

it when he raped me. So I was raped. So I had a rape done to me. So I wrote

about blood and onion hearts and beautiful bruises. So he dumped me on


Once I tweeted ways a woman is a slut, once I listed how a woman did things

to herself. When I say once, I mean many times. I was a bad student and artless

with irony.

After ● but before now. What happens in a beginning. I was there but I don’t

remember. I was there but that’s not the woman I want. I’m a bad student. I

can’t show my work. I was there. I was there. I know her.

I stayed in Geneseo for another year. I moved away. I talked about ●. I talked

about him a lot.

Once I thought if I were to drown I would pull him down with me, but the only

hand in mine is mine.

from Hot with the Bad ThingsFind more by Lucia LoTempio at the library

Copyright © 2020 Lucia LoTempio
Used with the permission of The Permissions Company, LLC on behalf of Alice James Books.

“In the bad dream I’m in the room”

In the bad dream I’m in the room.

In the bad dream the knife is infinite and repeating.

In the bad dream the knife is an instance of his body, another thing to go in

and out.

In the bad dream I’m not her but I am watching.

In the bad dream why am I watching

from Hot with the Bad ThingsFind more by Lucia LoTempio at the library

Copyright © 2020 Lucia LoTempio
Used with the permission of The Permissions Company, LLC on behalf of Alice James Books.

This program is supported in part by a grant from the Idaho Humanities Council, a State-based program of the National Endowment for the Humanities.

Any views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this (publication, website, exhibit, etc.) do not necessarily represent those of the Idaho Humanities Council or the National Endowment for the Humanities.