when we lose track of the person not to be
confused with that democratic fetish
“the individual” when we lose track of that particle
that permeable pool of plasma
the person and take human reality
to be a solid matter (most often
male) of people’s (often enough clotted
into mobs often enough mobs of so-
called “democratic action”) . . . Jesus
Christ let’s just call it conscious intention
lashed to the cleated post of mute
inheritance we need to be very careful
in that situation when persons are
pushed (ultimately at gunpoint)
to feel that they have nothing to
lose and that can feel (though most often
it tingles numbly) like freedom
but it’s not freedom is never that
we must be ve-ry careful more
careful than anyone can actually be
because it’s dangerous when it feels
like anything’s possible
but nothing can happen very
dangerous when it feels
like anything can be put immediately
on display but somehow
nothing can be revealed to live
in a world (so-called) where
everything’s within reach but nothing
can be touched click maybe
it’s a terrible truth (quite possibly
a truth of parenthood) that for any one
thing to be known (or touched)
everything else must be complexly
felt as if thru an infinitely
sensate dilation pure aperture maybe
that is the open and awestruck light of love
and it’s very simply never ever
simply just that which is the spark of art
iculate speech an S-curve pulls parabolas
thru a syncro-mesh gearbox a sudden break
in low clouds off the coast
and into a remorselessly gray sea
of eyes pours a silver sheen a glistening pool of pain
from Let it Be BrokeFind more by Ed Pavlic at the library
Copyright © 2020 Ed Pavlic
Used with the permission of The Permissions Company, LLC on behalf of Four Way Books.