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Glorious and Bored

Today I looked at people.

It was like looking at the green and scratched earth.

I felt so sad and bored.

I sat at the counter of Dunkin Donuts

and waited for my broken car to be fixed

by the mechanic across the street.

People in big coats came in for coffee and chocolate-covered donuts.

All day long it was a donut-and-coffee fest.

I drank my tea and did not have any memories.

It was glorious and beautiful

and the people were glorious and beautiful.

From sunup to dinnertime everyone was so happy in their big furs and

rusty boots

at the Dunkin Donuts.

I did not know what to do with myself in the sadness and boredom.

I did not eat or talk on the phone or play the flute.

It’s hard to look at people these days.

We don’t pay enough attention to other people’s faces.

The way they contort into rivers.

The way they mutate into cities

and yearn for other faces that are rivers and volcanoes.

Look up. Look at me

so I can look at you.

That’s all anyone wants to say

but we are all too busy being glorious and bored.

I want to believe otherwise.

My car is still not ready

and I am at the orange counter.

I have been here my whole life.

My tea is cold.

I have been here all day.

It’s cold outside and the donuts are all gone.

I’m sure they were bad for everyone

but tasted so great.

I love your face.

It is a beautiful face.

from Mesmerizing Sadly BeautifulFind more by Matthew Lippman at the library

Copyright © 2020 Matthew Lippman
Used with the permission of The Permissions Company, LLC on behalf of Four Way Books.

Published in Matthew Lippman Poems

This program is supported in part by a grant from the Idaho Humanities Council, a State-based program of the National Endowment for the Humanities.

Any views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this (publication, website, exhibit, etc.) do not necessarily represent those of the Idaho Humanities Council or the National Endowment for the Humanities.