Four does and a buck haunt the neighborhood
At night this winter, scavenging pears
And apples, rooting compost bins, a clear
Sign of suburban sprawl my Green Friend said
At a benefit dinner for Watershed
Restoration. She’s probably right. She cares
Deeply about these things, Warming, and Fair
Trade, local/global stuff. She gave me head,
Later, in her Prius, and when they came,
My moans were muffled. Wiping up, she seemed
Perturbed and started the car. “What’s wrong?”
I regretted the question. She must have blamed
Me for something. “You. You’re so fucking tame.
You can’t even let loose while getting blown.”
from BugleFind more by Tod Marshall at the library
Copyright © 2014 Tod Marshall
Used with the permission of Canarium Books.